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Monday 5 April 2010

Introducing Autoresponders

If you’re tired out trying to keep up with the tons of emails landing in your everyday and find yourself having to leave other important projects in order to answer them it’s time you looked into getting an autoreponder.

Lets face it people expect a quick response to their email enquiries, but how can you be expected to reply so quickly unless you can hire staff that will cost you money and eat into your profits. Autoresponders are an inexpensive, sometimes free way of managing your incoming emails automatically as soon as they are received.

It is difficult to operate an online business without using an autoresponder, unless you are part of a program that takes care of that side of your business. Emails are essential to your business for many different reasons. These unseen email voices will provide you with feedback about your business free of charge. However you obviously won’t have time to spend hours answering every email so you need a programme that will do it for you.

Reasons for using autoresponders:

They can be used if you need a method of sending information about services and products you offer and your price list.

If there are repeated questions across a large number of emails

You might want to offer your site visitors a special bonus perhaps in the shape of a free report or eBook.

Certain autoresponders do a lot more than simply send out standardised messages. They can send out an unlimited number of follow-up messages sent at a predetermined interval of time. You could set it to send out a different message every day for a set period of time. This is especially useful if you would like to offer your readers a free course with the modules being sent out each week for example.

You can attach a signature to each email you send out. Included in that email can be your web address or a line or two advertising your business.

You can get some autoresponders for free provided you don’t mind them placing an advert on the page. One you can try is hppt://, or go to Google and key in free autoresponders and you should get a list. Many autoresponder companies only charge a small fee anyway. Then all you have to do is sign up to your chosen autoreponder and you’ll receive instructions as to how to go about setting things up and how to transfer your text.

Autoresponders are an efficient and influential marketing tool, allowing you to make contact with thousands of potential customers. Considering how many prospective customers you usually have contact with before actually making a sale they can be an invaluable asset.


Thursday 25 February 2010

About PPC Advertising

Advertising a service or a product on the internet can be very effective but at the same time is extremely competitive. There are numerous ways of attracting traffic to your website or blog and Pay- Per Click is one of the paid options offered by the major search engines.

Pay- Per-Click is simple to use and you can have your adverts up and running in minutes. It reguires a bid for a “per-click basis.” This means that your company is paying the bid amount each time the search engine directs a visitor to your site.

The Upside of Using Pay-Per-Click

As with all campaigns there are pros and cons. If you understand the process and monitor your pay-per-click campaign on a regular basis it can be extremely effective.
One of the biggest advantages is how simple a system it is. You don’t need any technical knowledge, although it’s best to have some knowledge of keyword selection. All you do is bid and then you’re away.

The downside of Using Pay-Per-Click

Pay-Per-Click is essentially a bidding war. To obtain a position at the top of a search engine list you have to make sure you bid high enough. If someone bids higher than you you will lose your position and have to keep increasing your bid to stay there. This obviously means that your campaign can end up being quite expensive especially if you are using popular keywords.

Tips On Running A Successful Google Adword Campaign

Search engine advertising if used correctly can be very lucrative but it can also be expensive. You need to have it clear in your mind what you want to achieve and monitor your results to see if the campaign you are running is proving a success. Most types of business can benefit from search engine advertising but there are certain rules you should follow if you intend to embark upon one.

Run a mini campaign first

You need to know that your campaign has a good chance of success before you hand over your money. What do you want from the campaign? You want more buyers for your product or service. If you find that your ads are not achieving that then there is no point in continuing with that particular campaign. Track your results. Run a selection of different ads and see which of them gets the most page views and conversions. When you have found the one that does refine it until you feel satisfied that you’re making enough money to justify paying for the advert.

Choose the right keywords

Keywords must accurately reflect your business and attract a large amount of searches. If you don’t manage to do this you lose a large chunk of potential customers. Make sure your keywords are specific enough to attract the right kind of customer, one who is looking for what you have to offer and is willing to buy.

Designing a good advert

Search engine advertising isn’t about getting a high number of clicks it’s about making a sale and the design of your advertisement should reflect this.
Firstly your advert should grab the attention of the viewer enough first to make them want to click on the advertisement. Secondly it must excitingly and accurately describe what your website is offering. If the potential customer knows what they are getting before they arrive there is a good chance they will buy.

Monday 15 February 2010

Selling Other People’s Digital products through ClickBank

If you have a dream of writing your own eBook and publishing it on the internet where it can reach potentially millions of customers but don’t have the time or maybe the skill to write it don’t give up and assume that your dream is dead and buried.

Clickbank is a place where you can sell other people’s eBooks for fabulous commissions and we are talking up to 75%.

There are thousands of products to choose from so you can find one that covers a topic that you are genuinely interested in and find a niche market for. You are allowed to promote these products instantly.

So how do you go about it?

Firstly join Click Bank. It’s very easy to do and almost anyone can open an account.

Once you’ve done that and created your own clickbank identity you can browse their market place and discover the thousands of products available for promotion. If you choose a product that interests you and you feel passionate about it will make the task of promotion easier. If you love cats for example find a product in that field.

Once you’ve chosen a product you must create something called a hoplink that allows you to promote the product. Then you start your promotion either through a website. PPC advertising, classified advertising, blogging, social networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter, article marketing – anywhere you can find an audience.

After the firs winning venture and you’ve got used to everything marketing entails you can start to promote another product and so your income can grow and grow. There is a lot of competition so you must learn as much as you can about marketing skills to make your campaigns successful.

Click Bank promotes products in English, Spanish, French, and German making them a great resource for global success in digital marketing and sales.

If you are an eBook author you can use Click bank’s resources to promote your own products or invite affiliates to help you – some products are sold entirely by affiliates.

Don’t pre-suppose that you can’t get into the digital book selling business simply because you’re not a writer. There are plenty of ways to take advantage of the Click Bank services. Go and explore the website it will give you a much more in depth understanding of what they have to offer.

Can you really make money selling other peoples products online?

Consider the idea of working from home, no overheads to worry about, being your own boss, no products to buy, store or dispatch, setting your own hours, and best of all, no longer having to worry about redundancy. The idea is simply a dream to most people. Well companies such as Clickbank, PayDotCom and Commission Junction offer to make that dream come true by offering generous commissions for selling other peoples products online.

It’s a sad fact however that most affiliate marketers have failed or become discouraged in just a short while. They see time and time again experienced marketers bringing in thousands of dollars per month when they have yet to make their first sale. But being a little more in the know and having a good strategy is the key to turning things around. It’s all about adding a simple yet powerful system to your affiliate marketing.

One of the biggest reasons people fail is the simple fact that they haven’t thought through the whole process of online marketing before they begin. Many people do little more than put up a website add their affiliate links and hope that google and the other search engines will pick it up, or they shell out sometimes hundreds of dollars or more on PPC marketing campaigns that are identical or similar to others who are marketing the same product and end up totally out of pocket.

To be a serious affiliate marketer you must do your research first: Finding the right product to sell and selling it to the right audience.


Finding the right keywords to market under is essential for driving traffic to your webpages. You must know who your customers are and market to them directly. Whatever you are selling knowing your audience is of paramount importance, it enables you to tap into niche markets with people hungry for the product you are promoting.

But where do you start? How do you separate the wheat from the chaff?

Below is a free report for you to download. Read it to find the most reliable and reputable sources to help you master your PPC campaigns, blogs, or whatever method you are using to market your affiliate products. Stop being in direct competition with other affiliate marketers and use the strategies in this report to bring you some rewards for your efforts.

Click Here To Download Your Free Report

There are .eople out there who want and need to buy from you. Find those customers and sell to them. You haven’t got to make your own products as an affiliate marketer but you do have to find your customers. Use this free report and watch for the first time your long tail keywords bring in streams of traffic and most importantly consistent sales.

Click Here To Download Your Free Report